Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Some Family Photos

We still try to get together every Sunday for dinner. Some of the kids still make it home.

Summer 2007 photo. Photo of my Grandson Joshua and my sons Jon and Ammon.
Joshua was still living with us in the picture below, as were Jon and Ammon. Joshua has since moved away with his Mom, Holly, and her new Husband. Jon and Ammon have both also moved to greener pastures, or at least to try to make greener pastures. We are now empty nesters, and it seems really odd. Especially when we have been parents for so many years for so many (ten +) children. Whew! I don't know if I like it or not. There are positives . . . but I miss them. Sometimes I weep (the good kind) - sometimes I dance like a silly girl - cause there is no one to notice ;-) xoxo

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