Monday, April 27, 2009

April Snow and the Fence

As he stood there alone, the April snow pelted him in the face. It's not supposed to snow in late April. Shivering, Ammon didn't dare move. The cement hadn't set up enough yet and the fence post had to be straight. Only five more to go. With no one to help him he perservered in the April Snow. He had but one more day to finish the fence for me, build three gates, get his car registered, kiss his girlfriend goodbye, pack and move to Chicago for a summer job.

Oh, my Ammon, you are a winner in my book. Of course you knew that already. But even through your gentle murmurings, (or maybe not so gentle in the snow storm) you never the less just kept on doing the fence until it was complete. Even a paid man with lesser fortitude than you would have called it quits. You did this out of . . . . hmmm - love? Loyalty? GUILT? (chuckle).

The fence is fantastic! You said, "it's crooked mom" - but I think it is the best kind of crooked, and in a snow storm!!!!

Oh, you know, Marnee and I helped a little on Friday, and Matthew (bless him) helped finish the last remaining gate as the dark settled in so Ammon could take his sweetheart out on the town.

Ammon playing with Daisy - April 2009

You are amazing! But you know, I hate Chicago (Ammons co-worker was mugged the first week they were there - they even took his notebook. Ammon says they are in a better neighborhood now). Please be careful and prayerful! I LOVE YOU!

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