Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2008

I have not really figured out how to post things quite in the order that I want them. Kind'of drives me nutty. But I will get better - well, maybe - well maybe not, but . . . Oh Well. Tomorrow is another day. xoxoxoxoxo
I thought I'd throw in a few other events that have happend in our clan.

The William's Family (Holly) Halloweeing at our house.

And Jeremey graduated from his Cat 3 Post class in Salt Lake County.

Happy Brithday Morgan Hardie

Today is Morgan Hardie's birthday - she is five and she loves her new sister Macey Ann Hardie.

Latest family photos

We all met at our house last night, Jon and Becca were late for this photo for various reasons, and Joshua was not here either. But here we are, most of us (minus our East coast family). The photo of Jon, Jamie, Ammon and Joshua was taken in January.

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