Sunday, November 30, 2008

Celebrity Morph by MyHeritage

Shon, my nephew, challenged us to look at this website. Actually, I already had registered for it some time ago, and it made me just laugh, even back then. Check it out. You can also match your children to yourself and see who they most closely resemble, you or your spouse. Ammon and I had a great time laughing at those results. It appears Ammon is almost right smack in the middle (see the bottom of my webpage) but I already knew that.

So, on the celebrity thing, I did that bit of fun, but I forgot to pick a "female" match. The first celebrity match I had was with some old African politician . . . . lol . . . Oh, it was a great match, I think - I should have morphed that one - but I was just so shocked!

Oh well! This "morph" was my best match - whoever she is, I have no idea - Good, fun site Shon! Thanks for reminding me.

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb

Sunday, November 23, 2008

How to Take Two huge Calcium Tablets (to prevent a choking hazard)

I inherited my mom's inability to take large pills. However, since my bone density had previously been diagnosed as "needy" I had to resort to certain measures to attempt to correct the dysfunction and get these minerals into my body via my mouth.

Here's my recipe for a great breakfast which includes my Calcium Citrate + Vitamins D and K, Magnesium and zinc - this pill is definitely one designed for larger mammals than myself. So get your blender out and here goes:

  1. Gather the following Ingredients:
  • Two Calcium (obviously, you need the Giant ones) tablets.
  • Whole Flax seed - one scoop
    • (I have no idea how big this scoop is, just use your best judgment)
    • Rolled oats
    • 1 Banana
    • Raw almonds
    • Raw pumpkin seeds
    • Dried cranberries (sweetened with fruit juice - NOT sugar)

I put the calcium and flax seed in the blender and run them at full speed until powdered. If you do not grind the flax seed it will be of little use to you - your body won't digest it (goes straight through - trust me). However, if you grind it, it becomes a great health benefit with (among other things) omega oils.

Put this ground mixture into a cereal bowl and cut up a banana into small pieces and add it to the the powdered mixture.

Stir this concoction well, making sure the banana is completely coated with it. This prevents the flax from balling into it's own bread ball - I don't like to eat a big wet flax ball - so coat the banana with it like I said!

Add the uncooked oatmeal. I used about 1/3 of a cup. Actually, I use exactly 1/3 of a cup, because my 1/3 cup is my oatmeal dipping scoop - it's handy. so, add how ever much you want.

Then add the pumpkin seeds, craisons, and almonds. If you like your almonds in smaller chunks, grind them in the blender too. They can be ground with powder mixture if you prefer. I like it that way, but sometimes I like the almonds whole.

I do not add sugar, as the banana makes this dish quite sweet. However, my son Ammon (who was helping me with this photo op) is a sugarholic, and thought this was terrible. SOOOO last (and least) I sometimes add Kroger's "Honey Crip Medley". It does give it crunch and a bit of the sweeter. It still isn't enough for my sugar hungry son.

I use Kroger's (found at Smith's) vs. Honey bunches of oats because it has less sugar - only 6 grams per serving. HOWEVER, since I don't use a whole serving - I'm getting less sugar.

Add the Skim milk (though I like whole milk better) and . . . Wa-La!

Note there is enough here for two servings, so share it with your son. HOWEVER, since my son won't ever eat it with me, I eat the WHOLE thing.

Note - I said nothing about calories! MMmmmmmm good!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Holly's newest Gift From God - Gabrielle Sully Williams

Holly, one of my beautiful 'inherited' daughters (mine just the same) had her third child last Friday/Saturaday. November 8, 2008 at 1:08 a.m.

I got to babysit Isabelle and Joshua overnight the day Gabrielle was born - We had a great time watching SHARKBOY - Yeah! Thanks Joshua for letting me watch "Sharkboy" or I never would have seen it (chuckle). We did have a GREAT time though! Gabrielle was wonderfully born, weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces; 19 inches long.

(I used photo editing software to make the above photo look more "painting-like" - I just thought Holly looked soooo pretty in this photo).

Mother and baby and doing well . . .

. . . except the for the jaundice. Gabrielle has to be under the lights for awhile.

Click on any slide show photo (below). It will take you to a webshots link where you can download or see more photos. (Sorry there are two, for some reason I can't get the second slide show to go away) . . . technically challenged I guess!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Goodbye Indian Summer - See ya' next year!

Tomorrow or the next day, all my flowers will be gone - frozen - wilted - It is supposed to snow. I know Utah is known for it's snow, but I like it best when it blossoms.

I had to put my sandals in the further-most part of my closet until next year and my shadow will seldom come out during the long, shadowy months of winter.

And the water fountain is snugly capped - no more cool drinks on a hot day. Actually, I forgot to uncap it this year, so there were no cool drinks on any hot day - at least not at this fountain.

This weathered old tree stump doesn't care about winter. This came from the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming. My brother in Law, Wayne Ostler lugged it off the mountain for me. I'm sure he doesn't think it was worth it, but look how great it is. I think it was worth it. Of course, I wasn't lugging it - I mean I was attempting to help but . . . The egg looking rock in the background is from some other hike in Utah - I can't remember now. Cool huh!

The sunflowers are profuse at my house - everywhere they are not supposed to be. Jamie and I planted a sunflower garden the first year we moved into our house in Eagle Mountain. She was supposed to be getting some credit in her Young Womens - I've forgotten what it's called - you know, earned honors thingy. Anyway, she wasn't all that thrilled with it after the first month. So I ended up doing most of the labor. I don't think she should have gotten full credit on that one. Anyway, now we have an absolute steady supply of all kinds of sunflowers EVERYWHERE! Jim now HATES sunflowers. I still absolutely love them - thanks to the birds!

My back yard - still green (and the back fence is now painted). See, it's coming along! I xero-scaped this with a lot of sweat equity - salvaging boards, rocks, bricks and plants. Still, I think it is nice - no formality here, but comfortable for me.

The watermelons in my garden grew from stray seeds from ???? I didn't ever plant watermelons - but we had a bumper crop anyway. The last ones didn't get to ripen, but we had a WHOLE bunch that did! This one is growing amongst the potatoes.

And this is my hops! My sister bought this for me for my birthday two years ago. The vines are quite huge - so if you need any, let me know. I have no idea what to do with them, but they LOOK great! According to "THE SHORT HISTORY OF HOPS" by which I found on the internet, they say: "
"Hop is a twining vine that grows rapidly in the summer months and enjoys direct sunlight. The young shoots are eaten as a vegetable and the leaves are blanched and used as a soup. But hops are cultivated mainly for the brewing industry. Hops contribute bitterness and aroma to beer, but they were not always part of the brewing process.
From the earliest days of beer in 4th cent BC Mesopotamia to Medieval times, beer was seasoned with different additives. Wild rosemary, coriander, ginger, anise seed, juniper berries, even wood bark was added to flavor the beer. Hops were known to early civilizations - they grew wild among the willows in Roman times. The Romans noted it grew like a "wolf among sheep" and referred to it as Lupus salictarius, which means the "good wolf." From this colorful origin, hops took its botanical name of humulus lupulus. The Jews provide the first written account of the use of hops in beer during captivity in Babylon. They record a sicera ex lupulis confectuam (strong drink made from hops). They also believed this drink alleviated leprosy."

There you go - no leprosy at our house this year!


This is the caster bean which grows on the giant caster bean plant (see below). According to W.P. Armstrong ( this:

"The spiny seed pod or capsule is composed of three sections or carpels which split apart at maturity. Each section (carpel) contains a single seed, and as the carpel dries and splits open, the seed is often ejected with considerable force. Walking among large castor shrubs on a hot summer day can be quite an experience, with the sound of exploding carpels and seeds flying through the air and bouncing off road signs, sidewalks, and your head."

Well, I didn't notice anyone getting hit by my caster beans, but they do say they are quite poisonous. In fact the source said:

"They are unquestionably among the most deadly seeds on earth, and it is their irresistible appearance that makes them so dangerous."

Hmmmm. . . . I live in a neighborhood with a lot of children. I'm finding this out NOW! That said, we use (mankind) the caster bean plant for paint, nylon, motor oil, jojoba oil (wax), flavorings, elixirs, flavorings, medicine (I thought they were poisonous), and last but not least, the deadly poison, ricin.
So, I hope you enjoyed the last 2008 trip around my yard. I have now cleaned out my garden and put the caster bean seeds safely (I hope) away in the landfill. The watermelons are eaten, all but one - and - Tomorrow it snows . . . .

I'll get ready for next spring. We'll see what plants I can come up with then.

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