Saturday, December 5, 2009

My sister said "You also took the fall off; now update that blog"

O.k. - o.k. o.k.  So I have become slothful . . . I mean, I am still.  BUT -  Here are some photos of events of the fall:

Love those new grandbabies who arrived in the summer.  Easton Matthew and Preston Wade.  Both were "blessed" in the Fall, so that is good 'fall' news.

(He's first since he is a whole week older than Preston)

That cute blanket was made by Kristine - Jason's wife.

Above:  Jamie holding Easton 'in the buff'

Below:  look at that cute little cowlick in front.  That is quite a swirl!

Easton dressed in his blessing outfit.  He looks pretty handsome I think.

Just a side note: On Easton's blessing day, this guy got up and walked to the podium as if he were going to address the audience with his testimony.  He did, in a way.  He got up and dedicated a song to BOTH babies and then on the piano he 'played' his testimony . . .  "I need thee every hour".  It was so, so beautiful.   I just thought, "Wow, this guy is really good!"  I was thrilled.  I thought to myself that I ought make sure I sought him out to tell him how wonderful the song was - thinking that maybe he didn't know how beautifully he played (like I do - it's always nice to hear that you did o.k.).  However, I didn't see him again and never got to say how wonderful it was.  It was not until we left the meeting and went to Jamie's house for dinner that I found out, uhhh! Duhhh! Yeah, he probably knows he has a bit of talent there - that was Michael McClean . . . do I feel dumb!  I bet though, he still likes to know he did o.k.

I do believe Easton looks a LOT like his daddy.
Note in the photo below - Matt can never not claim this child.
Note Matt's cowlick!!!

Speaking of looking like his daddy . . .

Preston & Wade

I adore this photo!
We were there with the family in September (as I mentioned in my last posting)
but we missed Preston's blessing day by one day.

By the way, I think Preston looks more like me
than any of my children,
let alone my grandchildren.

O.k. maybe just his hair color.

Unfortunately I can't claim any gene pool contributions
to this sweetie beautiful child.
But I love them both just the same.  
Thanks Wade and Cristy for arranging that for me!

Preston - you little doll!

* * * * *

Now the reason I missed the fall updating was because of this Play we were in . . . Savior of the World.  I will be posting that soon.  But in the meantime, here is Halloween at our house.  Isabelle and Gabrielle visiting us.

So happy Halloween and Thanksgiving . . . 'till we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, a new post! What darling grandbabies you have, seriouly! I know Preston is dark but I'm sorry to say he does not look like you. LOL

    When I first saw the picture of Michael Mclean I wondered what you would say about him. It was funny you didn't know who he was. What a fun surprise.

    Now don't take the Winter off too.

    Let's do a sister's day before Christmas.


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